Emma Wong. Acupuncture. Chinese Herbal Medicine.

CONTACT: 0403 984 080

Emma Wong

About Emma

Emma Background Image

Emma Wong graduated from The University of Technology Sydney in 2005 with a Health Science degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. After 14 years of clinical practice, Emma persued her research interest in oncology acupuncture, embarking on a PhD in integrative prostate cancer care under joint scholarship with the National Institute for Complimentary Medicine (NICM) at Western Sydney University and Blackmores, investigating how Acupuncture can reduce treatment side effects and improve Quality of Life for people undergoing or having completed treatment for Prostate Cancer. in 2022, Emma was awarded the Society for Integrative Oncology Barrie Caselith new investigator scholarship, presenting her research in Phoenix Arizona at the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) 19th International Conference. Emma has also presented at the Surgical Robotics and Innovations Summit in 2022 and the Society for Robotic Surgery annual meeting 2023.

Emma is an oncology acupuncturist in The LivingRoom at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse hospital in Camperdown and has a private practice in Enmore, treating general health conditions.



Emma is a member of AACMA, SIO and registered with APRAH under the Chinese Medicine registration scheme.

Emma welcomes your inquiry