Cancer Care
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide with 96% of people surviving with their diagnosis after 5 years. Treatments can be highly effective but can also associated with side effects that can reduce quality of life.
Emma's PhD is investigating how acupuncture can improve quality of life during or after treatment for localised and advanced prostate cancer. Emma has just completed a multi site mixed method randomised controlled trial at The Chris OBrien Lifehouse and Sydney Adventist hospital investigating whether electro acupuncture, as a neuro regenerative application, can help functional recovery after robotic assisted radical prostatectomy. Emma is also investigating the role of acupuncture for people having treatments of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and hormone therapy.
Breast Cancer
Emma uses research based acupuncture protocols to alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment. ASCO guidelines and research in acupuncture indicates acupuncture can be helpful treating conditions such as Chemotherapy induce peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) joint pain, hot flashes, anxiety, nausea, fatigue and pain.
Oncology acupuncture services are available at The Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, The LivingRoom. Please refer to the Research and Links section for research papers and guidelines